By brownunderwear - 14/12/2011 03:45 - United States

Today, I took a poop that was three states of matter. Solid, liquid, and gas. FML
I agree, your life sucks 27 772
You deserved it 7 880

Same thing different taste

By mimi - 27/09/2011 02:51 - United States

Today, I shat a magnet. FML
I agree, your life sucks 14 678
You deserved it 35 741


I cracked up when I read this...oops sorry shouldn't have said it that way. Shit comes in different forms whether in life or apparently from ur own ass.

that's a shitty situation. BRING ON THE THUMBS DOWN!

uprising_fml 0

aren't most ***** that way ? I mean, it's going to give off a rank gaseous stench no matter what .

Maybe OP is oblivious, they don't teach that in basic high school 'science'.

You guys are coming across as hipsters that jump on any chance to sound like you know more than others. The Fml states it was in 3 states of matter, not all 3 states, nor not in every state of matter. Reading comprehension makes all the difference.

Plus, if you want to be kings of douchedom, you should've mentioned how op forgot to mention his Bose-Einstein condensate.

builditbetter09 3

Simply put "i took a shit.FML" which isn't really an FML.

Rainchikmoo 6

And you felt the need to share this, why exactly? I will never be able to get this mental picture out of my head >.

cutie724 8