By Anonymous - 10/09/2013 13:23 - Canada - Calgary

Today, I told a guy he should be ashamed of himself for parking in a handicapped space. He hit me with his prosthetic leg. FML
I agree, your life sucks 19 003
You deserved it 96 561

Same thing different taste

Top comments

pataplop 23

You two clearly started off on the wrong foot.

Seriously? Why would you judge someone like that?


Prosthetic legs you can never tell if they are there or not...jeans cover that...

You deserved it. Why do so many people think they have the right to tell other people what to do?

flashback_fml 14

Well you were clearly in a position to judge him, although i think you should get help because i can tell you have issues

Sweetpea22 14

Ok, I can tell you are an idiot with a low IQ. According to your logic, I am in a position to judge. *Rolls eyes*

You deserved it for being a judgmental asshole.

myind_yabiness 13

Learn to mind your business. Unless its your job to stand in parking lots & watch where people park.

martin8337 35

OP, at least you weren't hit with his prostectic middle leg:-X

what does this have to do with anything? if the individual was wearing pants you wouldn't see the prosthetic leg, plus a lot of people have disabilities that are 'hidden' and cannot be seen just by looking at them. How about op just keeps their mouth shut instead of making assumptions.

How about, she should mind her own damn business. In her own words, she was "shaming" him... Shaming strangers is appropriate if they're pushing down old ladies, stealing candy from babies, or kicking puppies not for their choice of parking spots!

Well, OP could have looked and saw that the person had a permit.

Sweetpea22 14

Wow OP, way to be a huge douchenozzle. Not every handicap is psychical just to let you know. It's not your position to judge any one and you deserved getting hit for being a nosy twit

People like you can go **** yourselves. Sincerely, an individual with a hidden challenge. Just because you cannot immediately see the challenge that person has doesn't mean it doesn't exist.

Agree. I use a walking stick... sometimes. It's impossible to tell by looking at me what's wrong but I have a long list of sports injuries that can flare up at any time. I can literally be walking fine one moment and then feel something suddenly decide it doesn't want to work properly anymore today. I get evil looks all the time when I stop and get my stick out, it doesn't help that I look really young. I get so pissed off at everyone assuming there is no middle ground between being able to walk fine and needing a wheelchair all the time. Plenty of people can walk only a little way, or for a little time, or when it's not too cold (I've had mornings where every step felt like my shin bones were bending backwards and about to snap in half and it only happens in the cold), or when they're not loaded down with shopping, or only downhill. Or, hell, the driver could be picking up the person the placard is for. In the UK where politicians and the media have been harping on disability beneficiaries a lot the rate of physical and verbal assaults on people with disabilities has skyrocketed and there are people who just don't go out anymore unless they absolutely have to. That's just screwed up. How the hell are we meant to participate in society when we have to constantly worry about self-appointed disability police not just questioning our medical history but abusing us, grabbing mobility aids to see what happens or getting violent because they're angry about "fakers" "stealing" taxpayer money? Just leave us the hell alone.

I am quite young (22) I am permanently injured from a collision caused by a drunk driver when I was 14. My leg for lack of a better word is ******, I have zero feeling in my foot as well as the back of my leg and very limited feeling across my pelvic region. I also have severe muscle damage, 2 steel pins and chronic kidney problems. I don't leave my house when winter comes, because the cold literally makes every step feeling like I am being stabbed in the joints. I've broken down more than once from pain, I just physically can't do it. people like op really piss me off as I am still sensitive about a disability I did nothing to receive. Chronic pain, lack of feeling and the knowledge that I am very young for such injuries is challenging enough to deal with without the 'help' of ignorant fools. That said anybody tries to 'shame' me for using a parking spot designated to help make my life a little less complicated you can bet I'd be tearing a strip off them.