By bobbeta30 - 11/01/2012 16:33 - United States

Today, I spent five dollars on a virtual cat. FML
I agree, your life sucks 12 403
You deserved it 44 460

bobbeta30 tells us more.

i'm the OP, I just stumbled upon this FML after over 4 years.. I'm pleased to announce that I've moved on from spending $5 on virtual cats to over $300 on virtual anime girl cards. and I have 2 real cats now. don't let your dreams be dreams, guys

Top comments

Why not just give a real one a home and adopt?

I'm guessing that's not the type of pussy you thought you were paying for?


Aww... Never mind :L you could always give it to someone as a gift?

wolfpack2206 1

F**K cats, they r annoying and lazy... dogs are way better then cats.

picklemonger 13

Just get a real one at the pound for free and when it dies, get a new one. :)

now fork out another ten dollars to buy a coyote and your cat problem is solved :)

O yeah! I voted 'I agree, your life sucks' #1990. My birthyear! Btw... nice FML

Why the **** get a virtual cat??? Everyone needs a virtual dog, notta cat!!!!!

Jen1030 0