By highleyj - 01/04/2009 08:16 - United States

Today, I ran to a public bathroom because of explosive diarrhea. In the middle of it, I noticed there was no more toilet paper nor paper towels remaining. The smallest bill in my wallet was a 5. I had to pay 10 dollars to wipe my own butt. FML
I agree, your life sucks 94 259
You deserved it 19 927

Same thing different taste

Top comments

why would you use money. take your underwear off and use those. then throw them in the garbage. so what if you lose a pair of undies and have to go commando all day? at least you would have had money to go buy some more.

I prefer to wipe with hundreds but that's me..


i'm so upset that #6 beat me to posting that solution, because that's definitely what i came here to say. oh well, great minds and whatnot. i'm just curious about what you did with the money afterwards.


ewww, all those disease from the bill..

talk about money going down the toilet.....

put a sock over your hand and do work on that ass son!

hinice 0

Yeah, I'm just imagining all the germs that were shoved up your butt as you wiped. I definitely would hav done the pants-half-on thing and just gone to another stall.

LOL #54, did you just call every single person in the EU a fag? That's excellent. And for the record #53...... our economy isn't doing so hot either or did you not notice?