By Jen - 11/02/2011 09:02

Today, I opened my car door on reaching destination and my dog escaped. I never found him. My destination was the vet's office to get him micro-chipped. FML
I agree, your life sucks 40 895
You deserved it 6 337

Same thing different taste

Top comments

So you opened the car door without either having a leash on the dog or ready in case your dog tried to bolt? Sorry to say but YDI.

That sucks op. My dogs always try to escape when I take them to the vet, but luckily I have a leash on them.


you gotta think. you gotta pet. a responsibility. you don't look for an hour and call it quits. YOU GET YOUR ASS OUT THERE AND FIND THAT ******* DOG- Billy Madison.

welderchick87 0

That's why you should have either taught your dog 'Recall'...where you call it and it comes back without having to run after it and catch it....or you should have made damn sure that you had a good hand on either it's collar or leash if you knew it was a runner. My dog runs when she gets the chance to escape. Before I even open the door, I make sure the leash is attached to her collar, and that I have a hold on the leash....AND I MAKE her stay in the car until I get out so that if I drop the leash, I can catch her before she gets a chance to run. It's your own fault your dog took off.

Why didn't you put him in a carrier? A crate? Keep hold of his leash? Did you let the vets know? Have you printed off fliers for your dog? Called animal control? Told your friends and family? Canvassed the area looking for him? Have you done *anything* other than rush home and instantly post it to FML?

What the shit is wrong with you? This kind of callous, unbelievable attitude is the reason why humane societies and animal shelters are over populated, because it's obviously the dogs fault that the OWNER didn't ensure that it was properly secured and/or train it right. Riiiiiiiiiiiiiight.

sportsy 7

He read your mind and thought it would hurt