By trgtyo - 18/05/2009 23:20 - United States

Today, I noticed my parents replaced my senior picture that hung on our livingroom wall with a painted one. Of our German Sheperd. FML
I agree, your life sucks 47 700
You deserved it 3 613

Same thing different taste

Top comments

Well, if you just graduated, sure, that's understandable. But if its been up for a bit, don't be so touchy. They're allowed to change things around. I get the feeling you don't live at home?

Oh well .. paintings are pretty awesome. Don't be so selfish :( at least your picture was there for a while already.


Sonuvabitch 0

Ugh, why would you ever want a picture of yourself in the house? I hate it when my parents put school pictures up. That's why I always do my best to **** it up somehow. Paintings are cooler than picture, deal with it.

Sorry but i'd totally rather prefer a picture of a german shepard

ditlihi 0

Well, do you have a picture of your parents hanging in YOUR room?

poolshark 0

Does anyone watch Flight of the Conchords? On the show, there is a ridiculous painting of a german shepherd on the band's living room wall... it's so bad it's good. If the painting in question is half as awesome, I completely understand the need to make it a focal point.

Obviously your family is a dog family, not a children family. Im sure the dog is well trained

haha this sounds like something my parents would mom loves her german shepherd like a son.

Why do people feel a sense of entitlement when they accomplish something? Do you really want everyone to know that YOU, YES, YOU!!, did something fantastic, that only what, half the country has done. I'm assuming you meant Senior year in college. If you meant, Senior year of High School, yeah, my friend... you've got far more to start worrying about than which picture is hanging.

beebeeL 1

lmao no points 4 YOUUU !! lol replace their picures ?

German Shepards are pretty cool dogs. I can see why they replaced the picture.

that sux balls...tell them thats messed up...dont be a puss...