By thatguy - 28/10/2009 17:07 - United States

Today, I learned that girls don't like it when you pass out from carrying them to the bed. What they DO like, is telling all their friends. FML
I agree, your life sucks 33 238
You deserved it 9 190

Same thing different taste

Top comments

why would she tell all her friends that you carrying her made you pass out? That seems like something she would want to keep private. How exactly does one pass out from carrying someone? I don't get it! Someone clarify!

Ummm you all assume she's fat, she's either fat, OR this guy is super weak, and that's why she is telling all her friends and thet's why he's embarrassed, that seems to make more sense.


That sucks. She must've been overweight, or else you shouldn't have tried carrying her.

Asstazztic 8

because she was heavy as **** lol

why would she tell all her friends that you carrying her made you pass out? That seems like something she would want to keep private. How exactly does one pass out from carrying someone? I don't get it! Someone clarify!

His girl was so fat that the strain on his heart from carrying her made him faint.

Ummm you all assume she's fat, she's either fat, OR this guy is super weak, and that's why she is telling all her friends and thet's why he's embarrassed, that seems to make more sense.

you both go to gym. you go to stop being a weakling and she to stop being a fat cow.

cerebellum_fml 0

dont be mad he prob was overexerting himself with a boner

perdix 29

Well done, cerebellum, you got the right answer! While hauling his girl off to bed, all the blood rushed from his head (the big one) to engorge the little* one in preparation for battle. *If you are a circus pinhead with a porno dick, reverse "big" and "little".

(confused) pass out from carrying her??? Ohhhh ok.... :) that makes more sense, especially if his dick was HUGE for his skinny body!!!! :D

If that's the case, he could use a tourniquet to limit the amount of blood that goes to his penis.

were you dropped on your head as a baby? i mean, seriously... poundage?

rosesdarkblue 0

Do you find it strange to date a fat girl?