By accountnamevalid - 21/06/2013 02:23 - United States

Today, I lost my car keys, so I asked my ex-husband if he still had his spare to my car. He said he'd send it. I got an empty envelope with a troll face on it. There's a reason I left him. FML
I agree, your life sucks 42 983
You deserved it 8 753

accountnamevalid tells us more.

We had a very amicable divorce. I'll admit I laughed a bit, but waiting on that key cost me cab and bus fare, when I could have called the locksmith I'll have to call anyway.

Top comments

Send him an envelope back with a hand made receipt of what you spent on that cab and bus fare. The note attached can be whatever you want but you can just say "You now owe me [insert amount here] for costing me time and money with your trolling. I'll be taking my payment from you when you least expect it. Have a great day." - or doing nothing works too if you don't want to "start" something with your ex.

i guarantee even after this post you'll still get comments saying 'what a dick, you're better off without him'. it's good that you're still able to be civil but it was still harsh for him not to help you out when it's serious


We divorced because he chose building a haunted house in June over taking me to my aunts funeral, as in he took the self-same car and absconded with it. I really don't know what I expected out of him.

First off, why would he have YOUR keys if you are divorced? That is stupid. Second, you divorced him due to his immaturity. How did you not see something like this coming? Third, YDI for combination of 1 and 2.

RedDragonx32 8

lol the ex husband is funny, but an ass at the same damn time!

Axel5238 29

At this point I'm gonna switch to YDI. After finding out why you guys divorced I honestly can't say this is a surprise that he didn't help.

I too send troll faces to people in the mail for various reasons. But when car keys or other serious stuff is involved I get my game face on for there are just some things you don't joke about.

da_dork 9

You were with someone who thought memes were funny. You made the right choice.

I think that's funny. plus you can't really expect him to actually help you after YOU left HIM

You married an adult who still thinks memes are funny and didn't expect this?

Meganlynn6394 3