By Nick - 29/06/2012 21:39 - Australia - Sydney

Today, I let my daughter bake a cake for her brother's fifth birthday party. She showed up later with a cake in the shape of a cock and balls. Apparently it's okay, though, because "I frosted it to look like a rocket, hehehe!" I can't believe my balls spawned this moron. FML
I agree, your life sucks 26 266
You deserved it 6 722

Same thing different taste

Top comments

That's going in your son's suppressed memory


drumrgonewild 2

Genetics is really a major factor....

Wow, I bet she'll grow up with really great self-esteem, with that high opinion you have of her. -_-;

MandyLovesJason 0

What kimdof sick man calls his own daughter a moron...?

2cute4u_18 1

That reminds me of the time I made pancakes in the shape of dicks for my cousin... Good times

that's dog calling ur daughter a moron.

JesseJimenez 4

You shouldn't say that about your daughter. Agreed what she did was wrong but there is no need to insult her like that.

cooliobear934 0

Why would you say that about your own daughter?

franwins0827 7

That's what you get for letting her watch Death to Smoochy ;-)

kitsune3 20

OP, stop being a dick. Not everyone is good at everything, and at least she tried. So she's not meant to be a baker. That's no reason to be so rude to her. YDI for being a jerk to your own kid.

Hahahahaha, my family (as in Mum, Dad and 14 yr old sister) would've laughed. If it was meant to look like a penis, she is an idiot but if it was meant to look like a rocket, then she's shit at making cakes! Hahahaha, I don't think you are being rude towards her, we all make jokes.