By lalibear - 03/05/2009 16:07 - United States

Today, I left the sliding glass door to our townhouse open because it was such a beautiful day. Our new puppy, whom we have been potty training, peed in the yard and I praised him relentlessly. He then walked inside the house, pooped on the carpet, and ran back outside. FML
I agree, your life sucks 49 273
You deserved it 7 289

Same thing different taste


crazytom731 0
EveryDayJackAss 0

uhhh i guess you didnt train him to do it on the other hole?

eh its a puppy for ya, they are constantly pushing the boundaries, give him some time, and continue to praise when it goes outside. But as far as a FML, I don't think so. My dog still does that sometimes and she is almost 5 years old.

happygoluckyhh 0

guess you forgot to show him the other half :/

thats what my puppy did too. heres a tip praise him when he does something good but when he is bad don't hit him