By Ulysse - 01/01/2009 19:09 - United Kingdom

Today, I have my new iPod Touch, and I'm walking down the street. Since it's really cold, I'm wearing gloves. At some point, I want to change the song, and don't want to remove my gloves. I try changing the song with my nose, for about 3 minutes, until I realize I look really stupid. FML
I agree, your life sucks 7 243
You deserved it 37 525

Same thing different taste

Top comments

Ximmie 0

I do that all the time to change the volume on my iPod nano LOL!!!!! I thought I was the only moron who did this, glad to know im not the only one!


A little tip for this thing: I you have water or are near water (saliva kinda works) then dip the finger of the glove in the water so its damp, then it works perfectly to use ^w^

jordangregs 3

shitest fml ever...everyone does that!!

clare1 0

haha they make gloves that can let u use ur iPod touch.. lol

yeah I always change the song with my dick. it actually works.