By Alex - 07/03/2012 00:34 - United States

Today, I had to get out my birth certificate to prove to my dad that today is my birthday. This has happened before. FML
I agree, your life sucks 34 585
You deserved it 2 104

Same thing different taste

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My dad forgets my birthday too, WHICH IS THE SAME AS MY MOM'S. I love the guy, but seriously...

You have the same name as me, as well as forgetful parentals. O.o LETS BE FRAAAAAANDZ!!!

I have that same problem except its my mother that never remembers.

hilary56 0

I'll just take your word for it, I don't need to see your birth certificate! Happy birthday!!!!!!

What the point? To prove that you're his? Not worth it for couple time. It's time to leave the house kid! And I believe it's his wish!

Brice28_fml 10

Some states may not allow you to get a drivers permit until you are older than 15. Where I live you must be 15 and a half. I don't know if some states make you wait longer than that or not

You should put your dad in a mental home..

hateevryone 14