By 99Problemsandfml - 08/11/2012 19:03 - Canada - Hamilton

Today, I had to buy a new vacuum cleaner. My previous one stopped working, because apparently, my boyfriend has been using it to suck up our puppy's shit from the floor. FML
I agree, your life sucks 26 507
You deserved it 2 505

Same thing different taste

Top comments

If it's a girl puppy, then you do have 99 problems of which a bitch is one.

madskittlesftw 5


I'm going to have to side with the people who say he is an idiot. There is a reason the manufacturers print "for use on carpet" in the instruction manual. Don't be surprised if he tries to mow the lawn with hair clippers.

TheComputerGuy96 16

I've had the same vacuum cleaner for nearly thirty years. BEAT THAT.

perdix 29

#74, I've had the same HP calculator for nearly 30 years. I don't know if that bes the vacuum cleaner, but at least it's a tie. RPN, FTW!

Mr25_fml 14

I guess you're just shit outta luck, huh?

CatPupsRule 0

My goodness, does no one know how to take a dog out every once in a while?! I mean really, how much of a dunce are you people?! Take the dog out so it can LEARN that pooing in the house is NOT ok and punish him (within reasonable parameters) and make your boyfriend clean up any further accidents properly, with a napkin and flush it down the toilet!!! Grow up, And GET REAL!!!!

Well that gives "a shitty situation" a whole new meaning

KiddNYC1O 20

He's on to something and he'll soon need a patent...

Shouldn't he be the one to replace your vacuum??

FireFlie07 20

Might have worked with a shop vac

misalove 4

What kind of vacuum did you get ?