By CalebLawrence - 22/10/2015 23:16 - United States - San Diego

Today, I had such a big hiccup that I fell backwards down the stairs. FML
I agree, your life sucks 21 310
You deserved it 2 268

CalebLawrence tells us more.

OP here, thank you all for your concerns! I did injure myself, as some of you may of been wondering. As my tumble down the stairs began to slow down, I landed on my wrist funnily, breaking it. On the bright side my hiccups did go away! My family and I are going to remember this moment for awhile :). Again, thanks for the comments!

Top comments

I've never heard of that technique to get rid of hiccups, did it work?

dragoongirl90 34

Ah, the ol' bash your head, break your neck, snap your leg technique.


I've never heard of that technique to get rid of hiccups, did it work?

Head trauma is the best way to get rid of em' as far as I know. I find that ferociously banging my head against a wall every day keeps the hiccups away.

A07 48

I agree with #3, I find that I have zero hiccups when I'm dead

Also the health insurance bills are really low.

Well your to close your eyes and picture the Stop lights changing colors supposedly

dragoongirl90 34

Ah, the ol' bash your head, break your neck, snap your leg technique.

They always said the best way to get rid of hiccups is a fright ....

Brilliant! Unconsciousness is the perfect way to get rid of hiccups!

amileah13 26

Oh no! I hope you didn't get hurt and are okay!

I'm going to guess Op probably was hurt.

OP getting tipped backwards during a hiccup is one of the ways to get rid of the hiccups. I do that ON PURPOSE

Glynnis62 13

Woah that had to be a really strong hiccup with force to bring you down