By Dunzo15 - 02/05/2009 06:28 - United States

Today, I had my first job interview and didn't have much of an appetite because of the nerves. So I grabbed a brownie that my roommate had left in the fridge and ate it on the train ride in to the city. About 20 minutes into my interview I was so stoned I couldn't speak. FML
I agree, your life sucks 202 354
You deserved it 51 748

Same thing different taste

Top comments

FunWriter20 0

Lol, that is so funny! Wish I had that brownie now. Sucks for you, though. I hope it wasn't for a career, but just for a minimum wage job.


haha, special brownie...your life is f'd.

lovesplaytoy 0

wow! that suxs! i would be so mad at my roommate! couldnt u taste it at all?

I gotta call bullshit on this, you would be able to tell immediately it was a pot brownie. They have a rather distinct taste from any normal brownie.

YDI for eating your roomate's food without asking!

onemoreweekend 0

hahahaaa. some messed up freshman at my high school made pot brownies this week. she handed them out to teachers and the already-druggie french teacher ate two of them xD they found out and searched her bag and found 5 bags of weed. sad how she was only 14/15 years old...... so yeah..... pot brownies are fkedd up xD

Rokinbassmaster 0

lol.. that's great. I love how people on this site find the need to give everything a YDI. like #4

AL3X_M 0

Wow, Didn't Yuu notice the taste?

LeedsFML 0

Respect! I don't like to ingest it... it just f*cks me up... and I have smoked pot for years now. I cannot imagine the state you were in :o)

That would suck, but at least you got high for free.

#31 your hott. Just thought I'd let you know, not like you didn't already. Haha(: