By s13495 - 24/10/2013 15:52 - United Kingdom - Hull

Today, I had my first interview in over a year. I panicked and passed out. FML
I agree, your life sucks 43 059
You deserved it 6 373

Same thing different taste

Top comments

Hey, you should interview at a mattress shop! You could go around saying "this mattress is so comfy, I could just-" and then pass out dramatically! I see a real future here.

I really hope they understand what happened, I'm sorry OP


He'll let you know when he wakes from his nap.

Trinidad727 9

You ain't getting the job!! Theres always next time!

If it was for medical research I'm sure it could only help your case!

ChloeKissyface44 9

At least you didn't pee your pants, one time I got sick and passed out and peed my pants.

XxxT3rr4xxX 25

You never know OP you might just get the job just say you have anxiety.

That's rough OP, I'm sorry. Getting a job is hard enough. Hopefully you can reschedule?

I lnow your pain... didnt pass out bjust started sweating

JMichael 25

Just tell them that you were nervous and ask if they could reschedule when you've calmed down a bit. If they really value you as all companies "claim" they do you'll be fine.