By emydoll - 28/04/2014 03:28 - United States - Honolulu

Today, I had just sat down in the lobby of my doctor's office when my phone alerted me that I had a friend request. I checked; it was from some girl from high school. I muttered to myself, "I don't want to be your friend." I then heard a gasp. She was sitting across from me. FML
I agree, your life sucks 35 269
You deserved it 48 079

emydoll tells us more.

I probably should have made a few things clear first, this girl was a total bitch in high school and made fun of me daily. So you can imagine how surprised I was in that horribly awkward situation.

Top comments

Can't blame you. No way you could have predicted that. But maybe you should check your phone less and look around you more.


Capitan 15

Never think out loud, never..

You are a bad person! That was bad and you should feel bad!

#27 that's a bit extreme to call OP a bad person granted OP shouldn't of said out loud and didn't want accept someone's friend request I don't think OP would of said it out loud if he knew she was sitting right in front of him, I think you're are the one that should feel bad for the comment you just made.

#89 Yes it is extreme. It meant to be. Apparently, some people don't understand sarcasm. OP does deserve it for feeling bad being caught sincere. You don't like someone, fine. Tell it to her face. Don't feel bad that someone overheard it. Grow up OP.

#89 just because someone feels bad that someone over heard you does not make you immature it just makes you a human with feelings that you hurt them, I font think it's OP here that needs to grow up it's you judging someone for a mistake.

#107 Well, if someone is concerned about the fact that "some girl" is hurt by being rejected, maybe that someone should consider not rejecting people. For real. Yes, I know that people use your argument as a justification to being two faced. And I myself am just sick and tired of being lied to, just because someone is concerned about my feelings. So I don't like those kind of people.

Your logic is crazy. People are not two faced for not caring about a person they barely know and then feel bad when that person knows they do not care. It would make them a absolutely terrible person if they heard the woman gasp and they still didn't change to feel bad.

#116 Well, I don't understand your logic. Are you saying that we should pretend we care, even thought we really don't? How is that not being two faced? If I barely know someone and it's so obvious I don't care, why would I feel bad if she knows the obvious? Why pretend?

some people dont like being rude, even to people they dont care for. if i dont like you, im not going to act like your friend, but im going try to not be rude. you dont have to care about someone to not want to hurt people's feelings. it's not pretending, it's being the bigger person

#129 "I don't want to be your friend" is not rude. It's just honest.

#27 why are you scolding me like I'm a puppy? This girl was horrid to me almost daily all throughout high school, so if me not accepting a friend request from a total snatch makes me a bad person then so be it :)

#145 Well, you left out that little piece of information. All the more reason not to feel bad for that "some" girl. She deserved to hear it. So, why is that even an FML?

Again, nothing wrong with saying "I don't want to be your friend" but there's still a way to do it with tactic without being a jerk.

Well did you get more than a gasp afterwords? Well that doesn't change anything but you can catch up a bit

The friend-requester deserved it. Instead of telling you hi she Facebook stalks you and sends you a friend request. You described her as "some girl" from high school which shows you don't have a close relationship, so you had no obligation to accept.

how is that facebook stalking she probably saw her and remembered her from high school amd decided to send her friend request to see what she would do before just going up and talking to her . after all how embrassing would that be if it wasnt her but a stranger?

Why not just talk to OP in person rather than conversing on Facebook? OP says she's just "some" girl from high school, therefore there's no relationship. The girl should have talked to OP first before friending her. Social media is not the first form of communication. A simple "Hey" will do.

The girl could be shy. For all we know, the girl may like OP and wanted to get to know him, but again, too shy to do it face to face.

Let's keep in mind that OP has previously commented on #27's thread saying this girl was "horrid" to her all throughout high school. Frankly, I couldn't care less if this girl was nervous, she could've said a simple "hello" to OP for a fresh start. Why resort to Facebook? Especially for speaking to your previous victim.

That sucks, and even though it was kinda rude it's not really your fault, how could you've known they would be there.

if you have no interest in being her friend, who cares. She will get over it.

I don't understand why she would rather friend request you rather then talk to you in person THEN go home and friend request you.

That was rude. Like seriously. Sorry you felt embarrassed but that probably ruined her day.

I never realized it was rude to deny a friend request on Facebook or think out loud. She didn't know the woman was there, if anything it was her fault for not talking to her like a normal person.

#42 she was a horrible person so no, I do not feel any sort of empathy whatsoever.

#147 /OP No empathy is all good and fine but perhaps it would serve you well to take your head out of the cyber world and look around before muttering to yourself like a nutter... just saying it would help misunderstandings as well as peoples perception of your sanity, if I saw someone looking down muttering about not wanting to be friends I would probably be pretty freaked out until I noticed the phone.

#42, if your day gets ruined when someone doesn't accept a friend request, grow up. #208, judging by OP's other comments, she was waiting for an important message, and had probably looked around as much as anyone else does, but didn't notice the girl.

Am I the only one who finds it weird that the op had just sat down and immediately got the request? I know it would have taken me a few minutes to do a search for a name on FB and then I would want to look at the info to make sure I had the right person before sending a request. It is possible this girl could have been stalking op and then saw a good excuse to friend her when she saw her in the office.

She could have seen OP as they walked in and she was already on Facebook... But now that you point that out, there's lots of possibilities.