By JillianJuneBug - 16/05/2015 16:16 - United States - Standish

Today, I got my driver's license. My dad made multiple copies of his insurance cards for me to give to people when I inevitably hit them. Because "Let's face it." FML
I agree, your life sucks 28 964
You deserved it 3 582

JillianJuneBug tells us more.

JillianJuneBug 39

Lol, my dad always had this type of sense of humor. He was mostly serious about this though, so we keep the 10+ cards in the glove box.

Top comments

Just make sure you don't watch fast and furious before going for a drive. You will get ideas


how many people does he think you're going to hit goddamn like a little confidence would go a long way

I've had my license for a few years and have yet to hit someone, but almost everybody I know has hit someone. It's more normal than you think OP :)

JillianJuneBug 39

Lol, my dad always had this type of sense of humor. He was mostly serious about this though, so we keep the 10+ cards in the glove box.

Keeping loads around the car (and one in your wallet) is an excellent idea. My insurance slips seem to grow legs. I just hope your dad wasn't being as condescending as this makes it sound!

Drive as much as you can. Learn from drivers who you are comfortable riding with. A dent here a scratch there is not the end of the world! Make sure you are not freaked out in situations - go to some extra driving courses (slippery road safe driving etc..). It is no shame if you want to be better in something.

Most insurance companies make to where you can pull it up on their online app and send it to people.

I'm sorry OP, you must feel like your dad doesn't trust you to drive safely, and I can understand that might be hurtful. Your dad should have explained this to you a little better, so I'll try. Statistically speaking nearly 90% of all new drivers will have an accident in their first year of driving. It might be a little dent when you're parking, or it might be a major crash. He's not saying you're a bad driver, he's just acknowledging the reality that you're an inexperienced driver and that means you're going to make mistakes. He's not blaming you, or calling you reckless, he's just giving you the cards so that if it happens you're not going to have to add panicking about remembering your insurance details to the list of things you have to do. Try and drive safely, and if you do and still have an accident then don't feel like you were irresponsible, just realise that a lot of driving is experience - judging distance accurately, compensating for wet roads/wind/etc. I'll leave you with the advice my dad gave me when I started to drive: "Assume everyone on the road is an idiot who will do the worst possible thing at the worst possible time."

My mom always says to assume that everyone is an idiot for everything in life. It has proved useful so far...

Yea my mom said the same. It's sound advice.

Yeah hard fact most people get into an accident withen 6 months. also most people total a car withen 2 years. learning curve is a real thing best not to get in a wad over it.

Just because you passed your drivers test doesn't mean you're a safe good driver. It just means you were a good enough driver for fifteen minutes while under pressure one time. There was a woman in South Korea who took 950 tries before she could pass.

uhnevermind 24

I'd like to add that a lot of Asian countries are REALLY strict about those tests. Being even the tiniest bit off constitutes an automatic fail in Japan, and it's considered extremely lucky to pass in less than 10 tries.

so is there where the bad driving jokes come in? or is this because of those?

That's just a parent being a parent. Congrats on getting your license, amyway!

Plot twist- he knows you want to prove him wrong so that you will try extra hard to not get into car accidents.

JCal585 8

Hey don't give your insurance card to other people. Your policy number is enough to steal your identity.

seemo82 19

dont know about women driving in states but am in a country that u will hate bumping into or even passing by a car with a woman behind its wheel