By Anonymous - 25/12/2009 00:18 - United States

Today, I found out my grandpa died. As I rushed home crying to comfort my parents, I got pulled over for speeding. The officer told me to cut out the "fake" tears". When I told him my grandpa just died he tacked on another $100 for lying to an officer. Worst. Christmas. Ever. FML
I agree, your life sucks 49 326
You deserved it 3 503

Same thing different taste

Top comments

russianspy1234 11

so go to appeals court with the death certificate and at least get the 100 taken off

Except... you don't get fined for lying to an officer simply BECAUSE they can't know what's a lie and what isn't.


SweetestSin 4

I don't know how people could think you deserve that, Sorry to hear about your grandpa :-(

They were speeding, and got a speeding fine. How did they not deserve it? The lying bit, if true, they didn't deserve - and as such, they can dispute it and likely get it resolved in their favour.

@34: I think the lyics replies are funny I didn't know they could fine you for lying...

flashback.miss 28

you wont be happy for long, yo!

I love how people here think they understand traffic and criminal laws. I'm a cop, and normally give people warnings unless they've caused an accident or they're exceptionally rude to me. maybe the state you're in does have a traffic law regarding lying in general. here, we don't have such a law. your best bet is to go to court and present your evidence. if the cop fails to appear, plead NOT GUILTY and go home. if he's there, plead guilty with an explanation and present the death certificate.

nouie 0

What a douche! Sorry for your loss love.

Why are you speeding? Your Grandpa's not going anywhere...

gigi2009 0

i'm soo so sorry :( '43: wtF is your problem?

what is your problem? death isnt the end of the world people need to be able to take deaths of loved ones in stride, making a big fuss of a death is a mock to the living memory of the relative, when a loved one dies, cry alone if you want in a corner(for a short while), and just smile at the thought of them, theres no need to let death cause stress and a foreboding feeling of dispair

Show up in court with a death certificate.

Whilst you shouldn't have been speeding, I understand how you feel. FYL for sure, and I hope you manage to get out of the extra $100. And sorry about your Granddad :(