By Anonymous - 04/03/2017 02:00

Today, I found out my boyfriend's parents consider me more of a clingy friend than a girlfriend. We have been together over 5 years. FML
I agree, your life sucks 6 809
You deserved it 633

Same thing different taste

Top comments

What does your male friend have to say about it?

Either they're very thick or your "friend" is very convincing. Oh wait, should be both.


What does your male friend have to say about it?

Either they're very thick or your "friend" is very convincing. Oh wait, should be both.

It's okay. They'll upgrade you to girlfriend status after the wedding.

It wont let me edit it. Sorry just realised that the post actively says Girlfriend

And the FML itself has OP referring to herself as a GIRLfriend.

sgdigaetano 3

Well I guess that would be on your boyfriend for not making the relationship clear to his parents.

thatslifeiguess7 16

My beast in law is a hexenbeast! Seriously she refuses to acknowledge me except as my wife's roommate or Kells um barbara. what am a pet? jehovahs witness at its finest

J15237 25

After 5 years shouldn't your "boyfriends parents" be considering you their daughter in law?