By flibbertigibbet - 07/05/2015 20:56 - United States - Ukiah

Today, I finally worked up the courage to tell my dad about my worries for my mental health. He then told me about the tracking device the aliens had implanted in his hand when they abducted him. There's nothing like family. FML
I agree, your life sucks 28 593
You deserved it 2 517

flibbertigibbet tells us more.

OP here. Just to clarify a few things, my dad started telling me about the aliens BEFORE I could even start telling him my own concerns, so the coincidence was quite funny, if sad. I decided that perhaps it wasn't actually the best time to bring up mental health. And for those who are worried, I am already getting professional help and on medication. It simply doesn't magically fix everything the way I wish it would!

Top comments

On a somber note, mental health issues often have a hereditary element. If you're worried, have a chat with your doctor and maybe encourage your dad to try the same. Good luck, OP

Good luck in your journey op. Recovering from mental illness (or at least keeping it at bay) can be one of the hardest things you do in life. Hopefully you and your dad get the help you need to get back to 'normal'.


OP, definitely get some help for yourself. If your dad wasn't simply responding to your concerns with mean sarcasm (and lord knows FML has its share of asshole parents), I'd suggest seeing if you can get some help for him, too, but be warned that it won't be easy if he's not willing to seek it himself. Nobody believed me when I said that my mother's increasingly paranoid and irrational behavior was really THAT paranoid and irrational until she almost burned the house down with a poorly-extinguished cigarette, and only then was I able to get her put into psychiatric care. It could be a hard uphill battle, OP, but one that will hopefully have a better ending for you than it did for me.

he's being a jerk, so sorry he wouldn't take you seriously...

thatonetribute 31

You should refer him to the History Channel.

Is that supposed to be a joke? Not a good one though.

OP here. Just to clarify a few things, my dad started telling me about the aliens BEFORE I could even start telling him my own concerns, so the coincidence was quite funny, if sad. I decided that perhaps it wasn't actually the best time to bring up mental health. And for those who are worried, I am already getting professional help and on medication. It simply doesn't magically fix everything the way I wish it would!

Good luck in your journey op. Recovering from mental illness (or at least keeping it at bay) can be one of the hardest things you do in life. Hopefully you and your dad get the help you need to get back to 'normal'.

That's wonderful OP! I hope everything turns out well, good luck.

I'm with you OP on the whole wishing the pills were an instant fix thing. I have been on mine a month and while it hasn't been as bad as it was before the pills I am still having issues. Hang in there if I can do it you can. Hopefully you get some relief and start having a semi normal life again.

If you're meaning depression I'm right there with you. I also hear voices and have flashbacks. So here's a heads up, eventually you will need to increase your meds because your body will adjust

Hang in there OP. Results wont come up in a day. Its good that you are on right path

#45, I disagree, on increasing the dose. That is not always true. I have bipolar disorder and have been on too high of a dose before that sent me into mania. But when it was lowered, I was stable again. Everyone is different, and there definitely is such a thing as too much.

45 - it's not true that you will automatically need to increase your dosage eventually. It's a possibility but not a definite.

#45 - You have to remember most (all?) medications aren't introducing new chemicals to your body - they're just supplying you with whatever your brain is lacking production of. So while sometimes your body will adjust to a certain chemical, most of the time the medication is recognized as part of your system. At least that's my understanding of it, I'm no doctor.

I had a lady has a bus stop start telling me that the government put implants in her jaw so they could track her and she wanted me to sign a petition to allow them to be removed.

FMLusername969 21

Ahhhhh...where do you live again? *hides under bed*

boydope420 8

Maybe he tried to avoid the conversation or make you feel better by saying a joke?

I recommend looking up you local chapter of National Alliance on Mental Illness. They offer help for individuals and families affected by brain disorders. Happy Mental Health month!