By Oh_Well - 11/10/2009 14:53 - United States

Today, I finally had time to talk with my boyfriend. We had a nice long conversation, which included him telling me how much I meant to him and that we really need to see each other more often. He concluded the speech twenty minutes later with "Which is why I really hope we can stay friends". FML
I agree, your life sucks 37 318
You deserved it 3 129

Same thing different taste

Top comments

So I must wonder... is this his way of breaking up, or of saying "If we DO break up, I hope we can still be friends"? Because either way sounds valid to me.

He just didnt want to hurt your feelings,should have just left it short and sweet


AHHAHAHA. atleast you guys are still friends.

Intellectualist 0

They can, that is until they meet someone new and it crushes you all over again.

That is completely untrue, #7. Every single ex-girlfriend I have and I are still great friends, and I'm currently in a relationship. And all my relationships are quite romantic.

There's nothing immature about not wanting to be friends with someone after a relationship. FML for having a boyfriend that dumped you but is trying to still be friends. Forget that.

He just didnt want to hurt your feelings,should have just left it short and sweet

I guess he gets points for honesty, however it sounds like he gave her an effing speech that didn't sound like he was breaking up with her...just to end it with, "Which is why I really hope we can stay friends." That can suck quite a bit. Though it is better than him flat-out TRYING to be a jerk about it.

PeaceLove_Music 0

So I must wonder... is this his way of breaking up, or of saying "If we DO break up, I hope we can still be friends"? Because either way sounds valid to me.

AntiChrist7 0
DoomJeff91 2

Breaking up with someone doesn't make you an asshole right off the bat.

whats the FML in this? the best relationships are the ones where your partner is your best friend.

Labamba 0

Aw... That really sucks. But you'll find someone else

She had to put up with a long, tedious speech, and didn't even get a Starbucks cookie out of the deal!

Actually, you're right. No starbucks cookie? Forget the friendship.

You're right, she didn't. D: End all means of communication now, OP.

If he requested a downgrade from "girlfriend" to "friend", maybe she can counter with "**** buddy."