By greasyhair - 07/09/2009 20:25 - United States

Today, I finally figured out why my 5 year-old daughter washes her hair every day. It's because she doesn't want to have "yucky greasy hair like her mommy." FML
I agree, your life sucks 16 954
You deserved it 47 353

Same thing different taste

Top comments

I thought washing your hair every day was a normal thing.

well at least you are teaching her about hygiene


ViKAx3 0

Ew. Even your daughter has better hygiene than you... TAKE A SHOWER. (:

blacklite69 0

well at least you're inadvertently teaching her good hygiene.

well, if you washed your hair everyday like a normal person, you wouldn't have this problem, now would you?

Exlibris 0

Yeah, even if you aren't washing it with shampoo everyday you should at least be showering and rinsing it out everyday. That being said, do you use a lot of products in your hair? If that's the case then shampoo those out daily and maybe tone it down some if it looks a little slimy, you don't want 80's hair.

If your 5 year old can identify greasy hair, you probably need to think about washing it more frequently.

That's disgusting. Even if you are extremely careful, your hair will get dirty throughout the day and probably your head will smell. Just wash your freaking hair!

xero_art 0

you know why you have dirty greasy hair.....its cus u don't wash everyday....

maybeth 0

Washing your hair everyday isn't usually recommended since it strips your hair of its natural oils. I hear it can cause your hair to get greasier faster because your oil glands sort of go on overdrive and produce more oil to compensate for the loss. I shower everyday but wash my hair every other day. For those days in between washing, when your hair starts to get oily, dry shampoo helps a lot! It soaks up the oil so your hair looks fresh again.

If you're amazed by the fact that she washes her hair every day, then yes, you do have yucky greasy hair.