By Anonymous - 19/02/2010 20:36 - United States

Today, I discovered that when business is slow at my family-owned store, my daughter and another employee make a habit of sneaking away to the back room. I have literally been paying this kid to screw around with my daughter. FML
I agree, your life sucks 35 456
You deserved it 5 203

Same thing different taste

Top comments

IDK how to break it to you easy... I think your daughter is becoming a ****.


my favorite part of the story is that he had to fire both his daughter and her fuckbuddy

cool. for him. shtooping the bosses's daugher, priceless. lol

Fminetoo 0

Can i work at your store when your daughter turns 18. Ive got numerous certifications in everything from first aid, food safety, and auto repair. Im a great team player. I am always punctual. I do have reliable transportation, and have never stolen anything from a previous place of employment. I can give you reference upon request. I will even work for free, and overtime, as long as im entitled to the benefits.....

"Today,I am getting paid to screw around with my bosses daughter. MLIG" omg fire him!!

I guess they keep it in the family.....

Fire them both. Besides the fact they are having sex on the job and presumably leaving the store're leaving your business open to sexual harrassment charges. Even though it's your daughter they BOTH aren't doing their work. Teach her some responsibility for her actions, and teach him to keep his pants on at work.

Take a hammer, and let the guy's nuts have it

Question before ruling: How old is your child and her partner?

timk_fml 2

See if you can trick your daughter instead... get your employee to work for free and only for sex with your daughter instead.