By Anonymous - 12/08/2009 05:06 - United States

Today, I came home early from work, and caught my girlfriend with my best friend. I forgave her. She thinks it's because I love her. It's because I wouldn't get laid otherwise. FML
I agree, your life sucks 34 074
You deserved it 63 155

Same thing different taste

Top comments

EvilHippyEmperor 0

Why can I hear The Offspring's "Self Esteem" playing in my head?


sixteen8seven 0
Hot_male1234 0

keep ****** her and cheat a couple times till your back in the game then leave its that easy

JuggaloHack 0

Jesus Christ how sad can you be as well as the people who agreed with him. The only way I would stay with her would be to do something sick like catch Syphilis just to give it to her.

that's so stupid. ur pathetic if u just let ppl walk all over you just so u can have sex

Hi-5 buddy! That **** totally deserves it

Fuckyouguy 0

Man **** all you hoes who keep YDI, Bitch is running around cheating on him, he should stay around for the easy pussy. If ladies weren't so ******* uptight all the damn time shit like this wouldn't happen. **** you!

awww, come on. Not ALL girls are like that. Alright, i'll admit that most are *****, but not all. I'm not like that.

this isnt really an fml, its more of an fpp (free p***y pass)

??????? r u gay or something???? that same mouth u will kiss could have contracted genital herpes from the other guy.

UWBeautyQueen12 0

Wow. You two are the perfect pair. She's stupid enough to cheat and you're stupid enough to take her back..