By musicalducky - 05/01/2013 22:04 - Canada - Calgary

Today, I bought myself a pair of beautiful, hand-crafted earrings with lighthouses on them. My mother was quick to point out the lighthouses look like dicks. I don't think I can ever wear them again. FML
I agree, your life sucks 22 177
You deserved it 5 452

musicalducky tells us more.

musicalducky 21

Haha, now that I've noticed it, I would gladly exchange them if I could. Unfortunately I bought them at a craft market, and therefore have no way to return them. I'll likely just hold onto them and possibly give them to someone as a gift. Or maybe I'll just wear them. They are really pretty until someone points out the lighthouses look like dicks.

Top comments

If you love them, wear them anyway! Who cares? At least they look like pretty dicks. :)

You can always return them! Or just embrace the fact that it'll look like you're wearing penis earrings.


come on, dont comoplain, dicks are kinda cute ;P

You know what? I think I found the pair of earrings OP was talking about!

...Why in the hell would you buy lighthouse earrings to begin with...?

RoxxyHustle 7

Wear them! You wear those handcrafted dicks proudly! Then when someone says they look like dicks just ask in a disgusted tone: What's WRONG with you?!? and giggle internally :-)

skittyskatbrat 19

I really, really hope those have a stem in the back of them, or it'll look like little dicks with Prince Albert's....

That would make them even more special to me. Lol

Who cares? You bought them because you like them so therefore that trumps your mothers statement...with enough explanations people won't judge it...

SydLovesLacey 18

They look like dicks? I'd wear em everyday! Lmao.

I have a thing for lighthouses, and collect lighthouse stuff. I was so excited when my boyfriend bought me a lighthouse shaped cookie cutter! I think you can see where this is going... what made it even worse was I coincidentally was trying a new recipe that made fleshy pink cookies...

Great solution: sell them to a hooker