By unicorn_skies - 18/01/2014 08:33 - United States - Yorba Linda

Today, I bought a new, expensive dress for a date. I left the tag on and hidden in hopes of returning it later. Someone saw it and ripped it off for me to "save me from embarrassment." FML
I agree, your life sucks 28 594
You deserved it 57 744

Same thing different taste

Top comments

Well, that's not the other person's fault and really, if you were intending to return it, you shouldn't have bought it in the first place.

I think your saviour did a poor job of keeping you from being embarrassed.


gothmo 8

Aaaand that's why you buy within your means. People like you suck. The store is not lending you their clothing. They're losing money but you're still using their dress, it's kinda stealing if you think about it. I don't care if it'd be in perfect condition blahblahblah, there are plenty of places that sell cheaper clothing that's still nice. YDI.

Retail does not mean rental. Cheapskates like you drive up the prices for everyone. It also steals profit from stores which leaves less money for payroll meaning less hours for employees. When you do this, you are stealing from people who make minimum wage. You and people like you should be ashamed.

This is exactly right. It directly affects the store and everyone working there. I work at small family-run store with dresses in the $20-$80 range. You wouldn't believe how many people do it with affordable clothes! It's just a game to some. It happens all the time and if you try to say anything you are the bad guy. So we end up taking back unsellable merchandise that we can't afford to basically give away free to people who think they're above everyone else.

I mean you will at least be able to get store credit

coming from someone who works in retail, ydi people like you are the reason I get minimum wage, you buy it return it and since its worn we can't resell it at full price, we have to send it to get professionally cleaned then sell it at a discount

kaduzy 12

It's her fault your company has a greedy CEO who'd rather line his pockets than let his employees earn a living wage? Wake the hell up. OP's intentions were crappy but they aren't going to make a dent on your salary, only on the excuses your CEO uses for why he refuses to raise it.

frizz101 22

Did he say he worked at a big retail store? For all you know his parents own a small boutique on Main Street.

fluffywaspluka 7

Stop being so righteous, the point of the fml is not that she bough a dress with the intention of returning it, it's that someone took it upon themselves to rip the tag off. This other party obviously had no idea what the OP's intentions were, and decided to, without asking op, damage her possessions. The other party is a criminal in this scenario too.

The other party is a criminal? WTF? If I saw tags hanging off of you I'd pull them and I'd hope someone would do the same for me. That isn't damaging personal possessions, it's removing something that doesn't belong on cloths you're wearing out. Additionally, that OP didn't intend to pay actually means it wasn't her possession to begin with. It was, in fact, something she stole form another person (not just "borrowed" from a store).

I think you mean "the store's possession", not "her possession". You can't attribute any negative connotations to the actions of the person who pulled the tag, since there is no good reason someone would leave the tag in a dress (except for this douchey cheapskate move). The OP totally deserves this.

happyfingers 15

Oh how I hate people that do that. If you'll have to return it you shouldn't have bought it in the first place. Believe it or not there ARE cheap ways of looking nice. YDI.

You obviously didn't hide the tag well enough.

Expensive on the outside, cheap on the inside.

Put the tag on as best as you can. Take it back and tell them you wanna even exchange it.