By bytemuch - 17/07/2017 15:04

Today, my boyfriend said he's in love with another woman and is leaving me. This wouldn't be as bad if I weren't seven months pregnant. FML
I agree, your life sucks 9 206
You deserved it 681

ByteMuch tells us more.

OP here. First of all thank you all for your kind support it was nice to see so many positive comments :) He will be involved in our child's life and I agree with all of you who have commented that it's better that this happened now than later and possibly behind my back. We're working things out :)

Top comments

milksquad 11

He's a douche. Screw people in the comments trying to justify this. Even if he's in love with another woman, he has a responsibility to his child and doesn't get to just bail because he feels like it. I was raised by a single mother after my dad left when I was little and I am constantly in awe of my mother's strength and love. She raised me better than my father ever could have and my sister and I owe so much of ourselves to her resilience and courage. Whatever happens, you will get through this, and you're going to be an AMAZING mom. <3

ImminentDisaster 12

OP never said he told her he wouldn't help raise the child. You don't have to be a couple to raise children together.


Mother ******! Well that's where I thought it was headed, but then bam, much worse. Sorry what a turd burger.

Lobby_Bee 17

You wouldn't want such shitty person to be your child's father anyways.

Tiny Terror 19

He's still the child's father unfortunately!

ImminentDisaster 12

OP never said he told her he wouldn't help raise the child. You don't have to be a couple to raise children together.

Redgy22 26

This person will still be the child's father.

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Well, you can still find a better man to be a father for your child. If he's in off of a jerk to hurt you when you are in this conditions, you may wish a better person to be an example to your kid

EnvyMe33 26

What's sad is he will probably knock up this new girl and leave her too. You are better off without him. You need to focus on your baby because your baby needs to be your first priority. Good luck!

What a filthy pig!! Make sure you get him for child support.

milksquad 11

He's a douche. Screw people in the comments trying to justify this. Even if he's in love with another woman, he has a responsibility to his child and doesn't get to just bail because he feels like it. I was raised by a single mother after my dad left when I was little and I am constantly in awe of my mother's strength and love. She raised me better than my father ever could have and my sister and I owe so much of ourselves to her resilience and courage. Whatever happens, you will get through this, and you're going to be an AMAZING mom. <3

bigtwobah 6

If he were to stay for the kid, I'm sure he would be resentful.

Hit him up for as much child support as the court will allow. No mercy.

Child support is supposed to be a way of helping to pay for the kid's life, not getting revenge on your ex for leaving you

I hope you mean EX-boyfriend! What? Really? I didn’t think my will was that powerful!

Joke's on him, he's going to have to pay child support and wont even get to see the kid!

WTF, he is still the child's father. She can not keep him from seeing his child just because he broke up with her. Yes he is a jerk for doing what he did, but that doesn't take away his rights as a father.

Casaundraaa 9

if he's on the birth certificate he has equal rights in most states , jokes on her she won't be able to move out of state if she ever wanted to move w.o his permission, it's not a good thing and he can always avoid child support by getting a under the table job , and he can claim to want to see the baby but if there is another woman in his life and he loves that woman enough to leave his pregnant gf then she can 100% be influential for him to not be in the babies life . so joke could be on her