By crossl17 - 12/11/2018 15:30

Today, I bought a new $10,000 car since my old one broke down. Today, I also found out the old one wasn’t starting because i never had it in park. FML
I agree, your life sucks 1 135
You deserved it 4 678

Same thing different taste

Top comments

So you're bad with money, and cars. Did you ask someone to help work out what was wrong with your old car, or did you give up after one attempt?

How did you manage to pass a driver's test? Unless you're driving a stick shift, YOU ALWAYS PUT IT IN "PARK" WHEN YOU PARK. That's why they call it "PARK"!


The car would have never started if you never put it in Park. For $10,000, your “new car” is either not new or it’s not a car.

For that first one, it shouldn’t even turn OFF when not in park, much less turn on. How they got around that is beyond me. For the second one, sometimes, new simply means “new to me”, not “brand spankin’ new off the lot”.

Older cars can turn off without being in park. My 2002 F-150 did it. Newer cars won’t let you though.

People like you shouldn't be on the road anyway tbh

I just can't even fathom how anyone can be this inept. Just... wow. YDI so much.

shady80 4

if this were true, not likely, id ask you do not reproduce

We stopped to help a motorist stranded on the road. She said her car stalled and wouldn't start. Then, amazingly, her car starts right up. Lady never had it in Park. She'd sat there for 30 minutes like that. All she had to do was put it in Park and turn the key.

At least it only cost her 30 minutes, and a little bit of her dignity. It cost John Q. Dumbass here $10,000, and then he announced his stupidity on the ******* internet. He didn't just lose his dignity, he gave it away with a pat on the head, like a dad sending his only son off to college.

Nhayaa 21

What's that "park" thingy ? Is it something on automatic cars ?

I drive a standard, and just moved back in with my mom. The new house’s driveway is uphill, so my mom, forgetting I don’t have an automatic, told me that I was going to have to start using the parking brake so I don’t roll back down. I gave her this “are you serious look” and reminded her I always have to use it.

Nhayaa 21

lol thx I see what it is now (we don't have a lot of automatic cars in France so I was confused)

OP: “mommy, my car broke down. I want a new one” Mother: “yes baby. Let’s go get you a better one”. “Your father just paid my alimony...”

Wait is this the girl from Utube that locked herself in a car and called 911 for help 😂😂

KingAdrock 16

YDI for apparently not even taking your car to a ******* MECHANIC before buying a new car. Secondly you now have two functioning cars. So suck it up buttercup, shit could be worse. There's no FML here.

jodz11 8

Who buys a new car when theirs ‘breaks down’ without taking the first car to a mechanic first? Smh.