By gracehi - 07/03/2014 20:29 - United States - Jacksonville

Today, I awoke to the sound of a gunshot, followed by children screaming. I leapt out of bed and ran to my balcony, only to see people casually milling around the elementary school parking lot under a "Science Fair" banner. A kid's science experiment scared me shitless. FML
I agree, your life sucks 39 543
You deserved it 4 518

gracehi tells us more.

Thank you, but I wasn't brave. There's a tall picket fence and some trees obscuring the view of my apartment from the school. I can only see the school parking lot because I'm on the second story. The only reason someone would be able to see me from there would be if they were looking for me. I would have been quite safe, even if there had been any real danger. If there really was some lunatic shooting up the school, at the very least I would have called the cops. I'd like to think I would also grab my gun, head over there, and try to shoot the mother ****** myself, but you never really know what you'll do in a situation like that until it happens.

Top comments

immunetoinsanity 23

At least it wasn't actually a gunshot!

Of course not. You always sit inside and wait for the people who got shot to tell you what happened.


Getting to know you a little bit from your comments, I didn't think you scared that easy. :)

Call me paranoid, but massacres occurring directly behind my home make me a wee bit nervous. ;P

Be grateful that it was only a science experiment and not an actual gunshot.

skipper2009 18

Did you ever find out what made the noise?

Dude now days you don't really know. Sad that were so on edge from school shootings that a science fair project nose can scare the shit out of us

Must have a been quite great expirement...

My first thought on reading this was that I hope you were wearing something when you ran onto your balcony and if not then that no one saw..

I only looked at the comments on this one to see what off color puns people would attempt. very weak stuff so far. I figured there would be serious meaningful comments but the joke attempts were sad.

I just can't figure out why people naturally run towards the sound.

Well considering that mass shootings are becoming so sadly mundane in the US, I can't blame you OP...