By tiptoesjohnson - 19/01/2012 23:26

Today, I attempted to cheat on a test by writing some notes on my hand. During the test I had a question. I raised my hand. FML
I agree, your life sucks 8 466
You deserved it 83 190

Same thing different taste

Top comments

renniepenny 5

That hand should have instinctively stayed in your lap or hidden in your sleeve. If you're going to cheat, at least do it right.


BHAHAHAHAHAHA!! XD You definitely deserved it.

thats hilarious but why would you write them on your hand. thats the oldest trick in the book

You should have raised your other hand...

bizarre_ftw 21

I write "PASTA~~~!" on my hand for some reason the teacher always picks me...

um... next time try studying. usually works better.

You raised your hand..sounds like cheatings YOUR only option smarty XD but cheating is wrong just hit the books