By WinkleBottom - 04/11/2013 22:01 - United States

Today, for the tenth time, my teacher made a misbehaving student sit next to me as punishment. He begged for detention instead. FML
I agree, your life sucks 52 733
You deserved it 5 758

WinkleBottom tells us more.

Breath or body odor isn't the issue. I'm just a quiet kid in a room of loud ones. I guess I'm boring, eh? Also, no, I do not stick my penis in fish tacos.

Top comments

Maybe it's your breath, what did you have to eat? Roast beef, some chicken, a pizza?

That's not something a good teacher would do.


As others said, report this unprofessional teacher. Tell your parents, the school councilor, and on up until this stops. IF the school refuses to act to protect you, I'd seriously consider (deep breath: I rarely recommend this) your parents' filing a civil suit against the school. Best of luck with this unacceptable mess. :(

PS: Whatever you do, do NOT stay silent about this, no matter how uncomfortable speaking up may be. Silence will just allow this to continue, and possibly escalate.

Figure out a way to get money off this situation c:<

My question is why next to you? And if he doesn't like being by you...he'll probably misbehave less...

Apparently everyone, including the teacher thinks there's something wrong with you. What could it be I wonder

this upsets me. I'm sorry op. you ddon't deserve that. how humiliating.

QueenOrangeSoda 21

SO WHAT?! Theire are kids starving in Africa every each day, and people kids who get bullyed for no reason, and THIS is all you have to about? You think your whole entire life is f'ed, while you sleep in a bed every night and is not starving? People need to get a life and count there blessings!

Next time the teacher does it, suggest out loud that the kid needs a more severe punishment and should sit next to the teacher instead. Make it sound like being near the teacher is really horrible. They deserve to feel what its like so maybe they will stop doing it to others, because that is just bullying and needs to stop.

Coeliacchic93 21

however the teacher could use him saying that to justify more punishment on OP.... which would make it harder to report Tue teacher.

brit628 7

Kind of the same thing happened to me my senior year of high school in earth science my teacher mrs. Kitty used to sit the bad students next to me because my assign seat was in the front of her desk and they used to always get me in trouble for talking to me the whole time they sat next to me because I was friends with them but I had a lot of fun