By WinkleBottom - 04/11/2013 22:01 - United States

Today, for the tenth time, my teacher made a misbehaving student sit next to me as punishment. He begged for detention instead. FML
I agree, your life sucks 52 733
You deserved it 5 758

WinkleBottom tells us more.

Breath or body odor isn't the issue. I'm just a quiet kid in a room of loud ones. I guess I'm boring, eh? Also, no, I do not stick my penis in fish tacos.

Top comments

Maybe it's your breath, what did you have to eat? Roast beef, some chicken, a pizza?

That's not something a good teacher would do.


Either way, this is harassment, I'd report this teacher.

How rude!! This is harassment by the teacher and student. A good teacher would never treat their students this way and make sitting next to one a form of punishment. I agree with some of the other people that you should report the teacher or at least tell someone. Sorry for what happened :(

How come no wants to sit next to you ?

I think that's a form of bullying......, What is education coming too these days...

whathefuckislife 11

My breath isn't the problem. Or body odor. I'm just quiet and I have no clue why he would make someone sit by me as punishment.

You really need to take this to higher authorities, like the principal or something. That's a realky horrible way to treat someone, and simply encourages bullying

perdix 29

#39, olfactory fatigue and denial. Also, everyone thinks that quiet kids become psychopathic serial killers. They're right about 23% of the time -- no biggie.

Coeliacchic93 21

report the teacher. that's not fair on you at all!

The teacher does it because your the only one in that class not acting like a complete fuckmonkey. Take it as a good thing. It means your not an idiot like your classmates. When I was in high school I was always the kid that the teacher made all the jackasses sit next to because I was quiet and did my work then read a book. They stopped doing that though after I assaulted one of the stupid bastards with my history book.

RedPillSucks 31

Ha ha... You should become a teacher so you can beat some history into the kids....

Dear god no. I would either kill myself or kill a student if I were forced to teach the stupid brats that inhabit schools.

If that's true you should definitely report it!