By sarita - 04/11/2018 08:30 - Canada

Today, for lunch I bought a burger, fries and milkshake. As I went to sit down the milkshake spilled all over the table, in my failed attempt to catch it I also managed to spill my fries all over the floor. FML
I agree, your life sucks 2 938
You deserved it 402

Top comments

ciph3r 9

I see that your old nemesis, gravity, has struck again.

Well on the bright side this method will work a very good diet.


ciph3r 9

I see that your old nemesis, gravity, has struck again.

"Oh Gravity, thou a heartless bitch" - Sheldon Cooper, 2007

You don’t mention the burger. The most important part of that whole meal has survived.

Well on the bright side this method will work a very good diet.

If this is something that happens regularly to you, you may want to consider paying a visit to a doctor. Could be the start of a neurological disorder.

Your food was probably trying to escape because they were terrified of being eaten. I've seen Sausage Party.

Lighthadow 3

At least you still had the burger and a nice puddle of milkshake to take a sip from!

LadyRen 20

No use crying over spilled milkshake

TheBlueBee 9

on the bright side the burger was still useable