By Anonymous - 04/05/2017 21:00 - Italy

Today, eight months pregnant, I got the giggles. My boyfriend asked me why and not knowing what to say, I burst into tears. He then asked me why I was crying. Again not knowing what to say, I started laughing. This lasted a half hour. Goddamn hormones. FML
I agree, your life sucks 6 057
You deserved it 781

Top comments

Lobby_Bee 17

There was this one time I dropped the last slice of pizza and did the same thing.

jmccabe1931 5

you poor thing I understand im almost 5 months pregnant and the hormones suck ive already cried over an apple and because my boyfriend had a sad looking left eye haha


Lobby_Bee 17

There was this one time I dropped the last slice of pizza and did the same thing.

I'd cry if I dropped any slice of pizza. Even Papa John's.

and you couldn't have just picked it up and ate it, why?

You'd think after two or three cycles of this, the boyfriend would have the common sense to shut the **** up.

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My friends have 2 kids and have been together 9 years and don't feel they need to get the government involved to prove they love each other... Also single parents get good tax refunds

My parents have been together for about 25 years, have 4 kids, and are not married. Marriage is not a requirement. If you want to, that's great, go for it. But it's not a requirement.

I have friends who have a child on the way, but don't want to get married now because they don't want to be married just because they have a kid. They were broken up when she found out she was pregnant, and they thought that working things out then getting married would be better than a shotgun wedding.

And their relationship is doing much better now because they didn't force it.

Also, what if she was married, but got divorced 8 months ago, and her boyfriend is new?

jmccabe1931 5

you poor thing I understand im almost 5 months pregnant and the hormones suck ive already cried over an apple and because my boyfriend had a sad looking left eye haha

I'm glad it wasn't anything serious. Congratulations on your child though!

This is hilarious why can't I favourite this

Hey, be happy. People pay a lot of money for drugs to do this to them artificially.

HanBanana15 9

She's going to be paying a lot more money once the baby is born, so I don't really think this is a cheaper option...

Well, at least you didn't lose control of your bladder during those situations. :D