By Nottheprettylady - 05/04/2009 01:07 - Canada

Today, at my job as a cashier, a man and his 3-year old son got in line. The father said, "Give this to the pretty lady," looking at me. The kid looks at me, looks at his dad, and walks over to the next cashier. FML
I agree, your life sucks 68 985
You deserved it 3 818

Same thing different taste

Top comments

The FML portion was the fact that the little boy disagreed.

A man calls you pretty and that's an FML? Weak.


Awww, that's not FML! When I was kid, I was often intimidated by pretty girls/women myself =D Never understood why until I got older of course. Still am to a small extent, hehe.

This reminds me of that one show, "Kids Say The Darnest Things." or some shit lol

mean little kid. #44 you mean "Kids Say the Darndest Things"? lol

I can tell you myself, what I consider pretty has drastically changed from the time I was three up until today. Don't trust the tastes of a 3 year old kid over a grown man.

At least the man thought that you were pretty!

the dad's nice but the kid's an asshole

what matters is the guy's opinion, isn't it?

MetallicPunk 0

He's 3. He doesn't know what pretty is.

Emily_T 0

at least the dad said you were pretty :)

That's just evil, but he's only 3.