By Nottheprettylady - 05/04/2009 01:07 - Canada

Today, at my job as a cashier, a man and his 3-year old son got in line. The father said, "Give this to the pretty lady," looking at me. The kid looks at me, looks at his dad, and walks over to the next cashier. FML
I agree, your life sucks 68 985
You deserved it 3 818

Same thing different taste

Top comments

The FML portion was the fact that the little boy disagreed.

A man calls you pretty and that's an FML? Weak.


HAHHAHHAHAHHAHAHHAHAHAAAHAHAH he thought the girl he was talking about was the other girl at the next cashier hahaha

Lexi_girl123 0

i would have to agree with number #53,the kid thought his dad was talking about the other cashier.

mrzero 0

i guess u forget to some meakup

Byere 4

If it makes you feel better, before I had my hair cut (it used to be shoulder length and I had to tie it back in a ponytail for work), I used to have parents tell their kids to give their items/money to the lady and refer to me as "miss" or some such... I'm a guy, and not even feminine looking...

I used to have really short hair, and working as a cashier I've had parents tell their kids to "give the man the money" before. I clearly have boobs, like wtf. At least you got called pretty and weren't mistaken for a guy.

boohoo a child didn't find you attractive, I'm sorry the jailbait is out of reach

The THREE. Why should you care what a THREE year old thinks? At least the dad thought you were pretty...