By shit_upon_literally - 07/03/2009 05:51 - United States

Today, at a hard rock concert, a bunch of guys accidentally knocked down a port-a-potty while moshing. I was inside that port-a-potty. FML
I agree, your life sucks 238 872
You deserved it 21 087

shit_upon tells us more.

they were wasted to the point of oblivion and probably had no idea what had just gone down. i didn't cry, but i was REALLY angry about it. my clothes were full of shit but luckily i had an extra pair of pants in my car and i had bought a band t-shirt earlier

Top comments

-Insert lame pun containing the word 'shit'-

juneau 0

OMG!! did all the shit fall on u?


HAHAHAHAHAHAHHAHAHA Come on, people, a little less empathy around here please!!

alex_vik 0

#19 - Who cries because they've got shit on them? I'd be pissed. And to OP, yeah, that sucks that it happened, but if you go to a porta-pottie where there's moshing going on around it, you deserved it.

skyttlz 32

OHH!!!! Definitely a FML moment. Man, that stinks!!

Hi5_fml 0

Wow, Sorry that happen to you.

Dayen 0

hahahaha oh my gosh, that must have been the scariest and smelliest experience. please tell me you at least had your pants on.

sondramcfail 0

Haha, THAT is why I don't like to go in porta-potties at concerts. :D

Cloudy_fml 0

Are you sure it was an accident? =p

jennyozz 0

yeah I think I speak for everyone when I say 'eww'

How could anyone think you deserved that??? wow that is such a SHITTY thing to happen (get it :P)

rosa08 0

what kind of losers mosh next to a porto potty. shame that unlucky you were in there at the time :(