By shit_upon_literally - 07/03/2009 05:51 - United States

Today, at a hard rock concert, a bunch of guys accidentally knocked down a port-a-potty while moshing. I was inside that port-a-potty. FML
I agree, your life sucks 238 872
You deserved it 21 087

shit_upon tells us more.

they were wasted to the point of oblivion and probably had no idea what had just gone down. i didn't cry, but i was REALLY angry about it. my clothes were full of shit but luckily i had an extra pair of pants in my car and i had bought a band t-shirt earlier

Top comments

-Insert lame pun containing the word 'shit'-

juneau 0

OMG!! did all the shit fall on u?


GROOSSS! thats seriously disgusting. Were you shiting? Cause then the shit was probably flying all around the port a potty. :S

Lisimal 7
tshell 0

OMG....that is awful...did they bring out the power washer and hose you off...? Porta Potty Rental Prices

Gingerly 0

I seriously doubt it was an accident...

bigraws23 0

#1. Did you read what the writer put they're name down as

I for one would not want a pressure washer cleaning me off. OP: Remember how when you were driving home, at red lights all the people next to you would start convulsing? It wasn't a new dance craze.

i call fake. they wouldnt have the mosh pit/general stage area anywhere near the portapotties! and its not like one would randomly break out either...

XxCoolPersonxX 0

I'm sorry kinda hard to believe cuz mosh pits are usually in the front..well the ones I was in anyways

g4bandit 0

why would you be in a porty potty anywhere near a mosh pit!!!! not a good idea.....