By shit_upon_literally - 07/03/2009 05:51 - United States

Today, at a hard rock concert, a bunch of guys accidentally knocked down a port-a-potty while moshing. I was inside that port-a-potty. FML
I agree, your life sucks 238 872
You deserved it 21 087

shit_upon tells us more.

they were wasted to the point of oblivion and probably had no idea what had just gone down. i didn't cry, but i was REALLY angry about it. my clothes were full of shit but luckily i had an extra pair of pants in my car and i had bought a band t-shirt earlier

Top comments

-Insert lame pun containing the word 'shit'-

juneau 0

OMG!! did all the shit fall on u?


to #49 go **** yourself. i'm well aware that its happened to other people before me.

iammeanttolive 0

Did you have a weapon? If so, I hope you used it.

lmao eeewww its like that family guy episode

Rollingstone_fml 0

LOL, poor kid. Let this be a lesson. You want to only go 2 concerts with kurt cobain in them And no he's not dead, guess who rihanna is under that disguise

Blind_Ninja 0

That probably wasn't an accident. It was probably a group of friends who decided to start a mosh pit too close to the portapotty and pretend to accidentally knock it over so they can blame it on moshing. I'd say that nobody moshes that close to a portapotty ever, but at the Van's Warped Tour last year, the band Norma Jean somehow got the crowd to make the biggest mosh pit I've ever had the pleasure of being a part of. They succeeded where Every Time I Die failed at a couple years earlier at Van's Warped Tour. That pit was HUGE. It actually swallowed people up who weren't even watching Norma Jean play.

ha ha ha and you think they accidentally did this? lol have you never seen people do this before... hence the golden rule for porta potties... never use them

ohmygod hahahahah did anyone else just get a flashback of that scene from family guy...

bsneeze 0

hahaha oh god. i just laughed so hard at all the "shit" and "piss" puns! SO FUNNY! I wish i had my own but i can't think of one right now. But that does suck and im sorry for your awful experience!