By hhhhhhhpeterwut - 19/02/2013 03:21 - United States - Bethesda

Today, as my lame excuse to not give a guy I met at a club my phone number, I told him I didn't have a cell phone. Guess what I checked when he asked me what time it was a few minutes later. FML
I agree, your life sucks 9 356
You deserved it 54 802

Same thing different taste

Top comments

darth1 18

You should have just straight up said no.

JR_Goes_Rawr 11

That guy is pretty smart to trick you into revealing your lie. You could have told him you were holding your friends phone, or something like that.


Just tell him you're part of the save the animals club if you don't want him to think you're cold as ice

Please explain your logic... How the heck does that justify lying about owning a cellphone?

A lot of people with no service on their cell phone, use it for the clock.

The excuse was just fine. What you did later was stupid.

You see...this is where that thing on your wrist comes in handy. You know, a watch.

Yeah, because people wear watches to deceive others and not merely to be able to tell the time.

Wow. How can anyone by so limited? That is as good as a self defeating statement because considering you have implicitly assured us you believe blondes are dumb , you must be one too. And just because there is this one damn stereotype about a certain kind of people doesn't mean you have to be a ******** and blindly believe in it.

Why not be honest? Sorry, I don't want to give my number out to people I don't know, then just walk away?

Because last time I did that, about 4 of his friends materialised behind him and yelled "you're a bitch" as I walked away, one followed me and grabbed me by the wrist and insisted that his mate "wanted to talk to me". If a girl feels threatened, sometimes it's easier to lie.

davek 36

What's wrong with "Sorry, you're not my type"?