By Bouh - 27/12/2012 04:04 - France - Paris

Today, as every day for the past few weeks, my husband won't have sex. His reason? We've decided to have a baby, and he reckons that the longer he waits, the more competition there will be between his sperm and thus the better the result will be. FML
I agree, your life sucks 498
You deserved it 49


zombieslayer83 19

maybe he doesn't really want kids

wanderingshopper 13

And you want to pro-create with this kind of thinking????

beatleschick1940 9
bodychex 5

Either your husband rode the short bus as a child, or he just really doesn't want a baby and is employing an ingenious delay tactic.

Either he grew up without an education or he actually doesn't want to have a kid..

"We" decided? Apparently, his mouth was not speaking for the rest of him. Might want to agree to put the reprodution part of sex on hold, until all of him is on board.

mccrazymcdaisy 4

What? Oh boy good luck with that!!!