By DesperateToBeDad - 31/12/2015 11:57 - United Kingdom - Gravenhurst

Today, after trying unsuccessfully for three or so years to have a baby with my wife, my broodiness has gotten so bad that when I saw a couple with their daughter at the bus stop, I briefly had a daydream where I shot them in the head and took their daughter home to raise as my own. FML
I agree, your life sucks 25 024
You deserved it 4 965

DesperateToBeDad tells us more.

OP here. Wow, wasn't expecting so many comments! I feel I should probably clarify a few things here: First of all, I have a very vivid imagination and tend to have involuntary daydreams where various scenarios to a situation play out. This was one such case, and doesn't mean I'm violent or am actually contemplating shooting people or anything like that, my mind just rollercoasters through various things happening and I'm just sort of along for the ride. I found this one amusing enough to post on FML. My wife and I are currently looking into fertility tests to find out exactly what the problem is, and will of course consider adoption/fostering if it turns out that natural conception isn't on the cards. Don't worry, I'm not going to abduct anyone's kids or go on a murder spree. :P

Top comments

Maybe see a therapist op? Also, there's fertility clinics and treatments you can get to enhance your chances of having a kid. Best of luck!

Maybe think about trying adoption if at all possible. I wish you the best of luck OP with whatever you choose to do.


It sounds like you need to visit a fertility doctor and/or start talking about adoption.

bobsanction 18

There are literally hundreds of thousands of children in the foster system. Why do you need to bring another one into this world?

It can be surprisingly hard to adopt.

It's a new year, happy thoughts, stay positive, stay strong and good luck! ?

So sorry to hear it's been three years! Try fertility treatments, and good luck!

May I suggest adoption? I plan to adopt, so I definitely encourage it, because you want children and so many kids want parents. But whatever path you take, I hope you get to realize your dream of fatherhood soon in a nonviolent way.

amberdea404 28

Well I had a hysterectomy 6 months ago and I'm 22. So just keep trying, you can still have a miracle.

OP - my husband and I tried for three years. I was diagnosed with a unicornuate uterus in December 2013, we had two miscarriages in 2014, found a dermoid tumor on my only connected in March 2015, I had the tumor, scar adhesions & endometriosis removed in May of this year. I am currently 7.5 month pregnant with our little girl. Please don't give up! Find an RE who is willing to do the correct tests on both of you to find out the reason to your infertility! I thought it would never happen for us and had similar thoughts, but we got a great team of doctors and we now will have our rainbow baby! Good luck to you OP - if you have any questions, please let me know!!!

moo77_fml 20

Nope!!! Nope!!! Nope!!! Wrong in so many ways!!! Time for a trip to the fertility clinic x