By DesperateToBeDad - 31/12/2015 11:57 - United Kingdom - Gravenhurst

Today, after trying unsuccessfully for three or so years to have a baby with my wife, my broodiness has gotten so bad that when I saw a couple with their daughter at the bus stop, I briefly had a daydream where I shot them in the head and took their daughter home to raise as my own. FML
I agree, your life sucks 25 024
You deserved it 4 965

DesperateToBeDad tells us more.

OP here. Wow, wasn't expecting so many comments! I feel I should probably clarify a few things here: First of all, I have a very vivid imagination and tend to have involuntary daydreams where various scenarios to a situation play out. This was one such case, and doesn't mean I'm violent or am actually contemplating shooting people or anything like that, my mind just rollercoasters through various things happening and I'm just sort of along for the ride. I found this one amusing enough to post on FML. My wife and I are currently looking into fertility tests to find out exactly what the problem is, and will of course consider adoption/fostering if it turns out that natural conception isn't on the cards. Don't worry, I'm not going to abduct anyone's kids or go on a murder spree. :P

Top comments

Maybe see a therapist op? Also, there's fertility clinics and treatments you can get to enhance your chances of having a kid. Best of luck!

Maybe think about trying adoption if at all possible. I wish you the best of luck OP with whatever you choose to do.


Normal thoughts if you're broody, trust me!

moocowmilk0 19
shayfay 2

Try, look at the reviews and go from there..good luck

Wow. That's not a pleasant thought to have OP. You're surely suffering more than you realise. I would suggest going to a therapist and dealing with these emotions in a correct manner so you're not stressed and your relationship with your wife doesn't turn bad. I really wish you well.

Just adopt, it's not all that hard and is a great thing to do!

Red_Curls1995 28

Adopting can actually be extremely hard to do.

It might be time for you to talk to a licenced therapist! Those kind of thoughts are NOT normal and should be addressed professionally!

leogachi 15

@78 Those kinds of thoughts are perfectly normal. What's not normal is thinking it's okay to act on them, and considering Op made a post about it I'd say he doesn't think it's okay. One stray thought doesn't warrant a visit to a therapist.

They are called intrusive thoughts and can range from, "what if I just stuck my hand on this stove" to "what if I ate my body weight in chocolate." Some theories my teachers mentioned was a part of the brain was just checking the self-preservation parts of our monkey brains.

It'll sound rude I know but stop trying to have a baby. Don't have sex with a baby in mind just have sex. Of course not with a condom. Every time I hear someone is trying, they never get pregnant but as soon as they stop trying and just have sex they're pregnant. Give it a shot.

There are plenty of kids in the world to adopt.

Get help. there are LEGAL ways to have kids. you can seek out fertility treatments or even LEGALLY adopt.