By Anonymous - 15/10/2013 17:08 - United States - San Francisco

Today, after months of exercise and diets and finally reaching my ideal weight, I told my morbidly obese cousin about my success, hoping to motivate him to do the same. He replied, "Why would it matter, you're still ugly." FML
I agree, your life sucks 51 373
You deserved it 5 789

Same thing different taste

Top comments

He's just jealous. Don let it get to you. Good job on your success!

CommentModerated 17


ignore him being a heavy person myself I know how hard it is to try and lose weight especially with a thyroid problem in my case I congratulate you for the victory

Congratulations on your achievement. Your achievement, because I bet it was your decision, you motivated yourself (whether through self motivation or seeking out motivation from other people/places/things), and your work. Fat people get told all the time, subtly and not-so-subtly, that they need to shape up (to something other than round). It gets old very quickly and it's easy to feel that anyone who has the audacity to say anything to you in the first place is a self-centered prick. "You could and should be like me." I actually doubt that OP's cousin was truly jealous so much as insecure and fed up with hearing about it. It's his life and his decision, and if/when he's ready to get healthy he'll do it on his own like you probably did. While good-intentioned and regardless of your presentation, assuming that your "motivation" was welcome was a mistake. If he wants your help, he'll ask for it.

00sweeney 2

You're a passive-aggressive douche.

Congratulations! and he's a dick! don't listen to him! Celebrate and enjoy your body and your health! Let him rot in his jealousy and envy

That's not true. He's just trying to make you feel bad about yourself again like he feels about himself. I'd be pissed at him and tell him to knock his shit off or you'd need a break from him for awhile. As for beauty, it's in the eye of the beholder. I'm not very attractive and I'm married so there's someone for everyone. So don't listen to him.

Don't believe what McD says... it always lies...

Don't listen to him, he's just jealous. Personality triumphs looks & you sound like an awesome & motivated person! But like I said, he's most probably jealous of how you look & is disappointed that he is ugly himself (in personality & looks.)

TheyCallMeDamien 17

Your cousin has to want it for themselves. Bringing up something blatant obviously only adds salt to gaping wound. If your cousin wants help then encourage them but only give them help if they ask for it.

Good job on your weight loss. But I had to vote YDI because what you did is similar to those former smokers who feel like it's their job to preach to every smoker about how important it is to quick. It just feels like you are trying to lord over your success on your cousin, whether that's your intention to or not. And that's probably how your cousin took it since more than likely, your cousin is struggling with their weight, and though your success might seem to be inspirational, it actually is depressing to someone who isn't as successful as you.