By Lelia701 - 05/05/2009 13:55 - United States

Today, after living with my mom for years to save money I finally moved into my first condo. The day after I made my first mortgage payment the sewage system back up and leaked into my bedroom from outside, ruining the carpets and the walls. I have to move back in with my mom until it’s fixed. FML
I agree, your life sucks 60 672
You deserved it 3 404

Lelia701 tells us more.

Why does everyone think only a guy can buy a home? You know what they say about people who assume. 1. I’m female. 2. I’m a 25 year old graduate student with plenty of friends and wouldn’t even know how to play D&D. 3. I live in a city where buying a house in a nice area would cost 3 times as much so duh of course I bought a condo. . But thanks to those who understand what its like to have shit attack your house! The adjuster comes today at least.

Top comments

liquidpaper 0

rukusrazor, living with mom to save money doesn't always mean maladjusted D&D playing man-child. you're just jealous that he's saved enough to be able to afford a condo and you haven't.


Shrtpixy 0

maybe it's a sign that you are not meant to live alone.

lobstar 0

Had the same thing happen at a place I was at once. Sewer backed up into my house and flooded the kitchen, hallway, and dining room with feces and sewer parasites. Happened 3 times to be honest. FYL :(

ohhhhshizzz 0

Uhm, I think the OP is a girl their s/n says Leila something, sooo. I really don't think that is a guys name. OP: Oh, that sucks. I'm sorry..

Oh gross! You have my sympathy. That's just plain awful.

aquariusbeauty 0
sublime93 0

i moderated a fml that said the exact fml, but from the moms perspective ...weird

TheZephyrSon 3

#9, way to be an asshole. Just because he lived with his parents doesn't mean he's a loser. I'm gonna end up living with my parents to save money for a couple to a few years after high school to save money. In this economic time, there's nothing wrong with that.