By oldlady - 08/11/2009 00:38 - United States

Today, after a trip to my doctor I found out that my recent mood swings and hot flashes are the result of a hormonal imbalance that mimics the effects of menopause. I'm a 17 year old guy. FML
I agree, your life sucks 41 162
You deserved it 2 455

Same thing different taste

Top comments

...trapped in the body of a 50 year old cougar.

On the bright side you skipped mimicing menstruation.


Obviously what happened was you were born with both a penis and a ****** and because your parents wanted a boy they had your ****** removed, but your ovaries were left and re purposed into nuts. Haven't you always wondered why you look like a tranny?

delilah_111707 0

people need to stop being so mean and shut up. theres no reason for anybody to make fun of somebody for that. i would LOVE to see what all these people look like and what they go through and make fun of them for their issues. leave the poor kid alone. he didnt do anything.

VereorTenebrae 0

Maybe your like lady gaga.;D. either way, fyl

Keep with the making fun of OPs!! That's what this site's all about! I mean, seriously, who would post to a site like this expecting serious advice?

Assuming you're straight... someday, some woman is going truly appreciate your ability to empathize with her when she is going through the same thing. I don't g

Someday, some woman is going truly appreciate your ability to empathize with her when she is going through the same thing. Assuming you're straight, at the very least, you could get a few blow jobs out of it. At best, the deepening of a lifelong bond and the sincere gratitude of someone you love.

jmeg, you got it wrong, this is what you ment. Assuming you're straight, at the very least, the deepening of a lifelong bond and the sincere gratitude of someone you love. At best, you could get a few blow jobs out of it as well as a few sammiches. Dont thank me for the correction. Yours sincerly The_Pleb

Seeing as The_Pleb can't even spell simple words like "meant" and "sincerely," it's clear that his intelligence level does not merit his comments being taken seriously.

It's called andropause. I am the only one who knows that on here?

I saw this on dr house! probable the OP saw it too xd

...a17yr old guy? With what, a giant uterus?