Tis the season…

By naomi3271 - 29/11/2021 03:59 - United States - Saint Louis

Today, I went early Xmas shopping for my daughter and almost spent my whole paycheck for the week on her, only to have some asshole grab my bag and run off, stealing all her gifts, all in front of a security guard and store employee, who did nothing to help. FML
I agree, your life sucks 1 376
You deserved it 139

Same thing different taste

Top comments

Marcella1016 31

Call the police, file a report, use the surveillance footage, etc. Not to catch the perp because from my understanding, their services are pretty useless for that 😕 But to prove to your credit card company the charges should be reversed, or get compensated by your insurance. And you can buy everything over again. I know, it will be a huge pain in the ass. And this all just sucks that some selfish dick did this to you and it must feel terrible. I’m really sorry it happened to you :( Best case scenario, they catch the crook and justice is served. Good luck, and I hope your holiday season gets better ❤️

And1 12

Very sorry to hear it. If you used a credit card, you may be able to recover some money - call them. If not, see if your home insurance covers personal belongings.


And1 12

Very sorry to hear it. If you used a credit card, you may be able to recover some money - call them. If not, see if your home insurance covers personal belongings.

Why didn't you shoot the crook? Didn't you have your gun ready?

I can't say much for the Security guard, but employees are not allowed to do anything for their safety.

Marcella1016 31

Call the police, file a report, use the surveillance footage, etc. Not to catch the perp because from my understanding, their services are pretty useless for that 😕 But to prove to your credit card company the charges should be reversed, or get compensated by your insurance. And you can buy everything over again. I know, it will be a huge pain in the ass. And this all just sucks that some selfish dick did this to you and it must feel terrible. I’m really sorry it happened to you :( Best case scenario, they catch the crook and justice is served. Good luck, and I hope your holiday season gets better ❤️