The customer is mainly an ass

By DeniseT26 - 09/04/2022 02:00

Today, at the hotel I work, I was at the pool folding towels. A girl comes in wearing a thong bikini bottom. Our rules prohibit thong swimsuits. When I pointed it out at her, she called me a “jealous fat bitch.” Turns out she left a one star review on Google, saying I was “rude” to her. I got written up. FML
I agree, your life sucks 1 480
You deserved it 206

Same thing different taste

Top comments

Find another hotel to fold towels at (there are plenty) because any employer who will not protect their employees for mentioning the rules and hearing your side are not worth working for. Because they'll do the same if you let it slide and not say anything.

Are you, or are you not in charge of enforcing those rules? Perhaps your employer should be more clear about their expectations from you. If they won't or can't, you should seek an employer who will.


It is curious that a towel-folder becomes a Thong Nazi. What might motivate that? We believe in free speech here and some girls talk best with they ass!

diraven 15

Should have whipped her naked ass cheeks with that towel

I despise people like that girl, thinking they're better than everyone else because they have the body to dress up like a ****. Whoever invented the thong bikini should be strangled with it. If you're going to wear a thong to a pool or beach, why wear anything at all? Butt floss doesn't hide anything.

Find another hotel to fold towels at (there are plenty) because any employer who will not protect their employees for mentioning the rules and hearing your side are not worth working for. Because they'll do the same if you let it slide and not say anything.

As a male, wearing swim thongs too, I can report: wearing thongs isn't a problem in most of the public spas in central Europe (no problem for girls, very little problems for boys), and absolutely no problem at lakes or beaches.

Are you, or are you not in charge of enforcing those rules? Perhaps your employer should be more clear about their expectations from you. If they won't or can't, you should seek an employer who will.