The Office 2: Electric Boogaloo

By Anonymous - This FML is from back in 2012 but it's good stuff - United States

Today, I found out that my desk is perfectly placed so that my boss can shoot me with a Nerf gun from his office. FML
I agree, your life sucks 32 448
You deserved it 4 127

Top comments

palahniukpaul 6

Hey sounds like you can shoot him as well


Just make a joke out of it and play along! Maybe shoot him with a nerd gun! Laugh along with him!

Haha "nerd gun". So therefore ops boss would be "nerdified" and op can have sweet revenge!!!!

PhooBear 0

Hahahaha I was also thinking that. Yay for Dunder miflin!

whoaatherebrahh 0

Wahahaa he should prolly talk to Dunder Mifflin's HR…toby!!!(:

livefreelylee 0

You have it better than most people . . . this is not an FML

goodfella925 0
WoshJinchell93 11

They don't even hurt, but they are anoying. Just my a maverick, they heap cheap like $15 bucks and that would be heaps fun - PAID TO HAVE NERF WARS!

I wish i worked their i would get the whole office into a nerf war